Ph Of Bottled Water: Things You Need To Consider !

Have you ever wondered why some bottled water tastes different than others? The answer lies in the pH value, which is a measure of acidity or alkalinity. The importance of pH levels in drinking water cannot be overstated, as it has a significant impact on water quality and our overall health. If you are looking for an alkaline option, you may want to try Life Wtr or Evian, both known for their alkaline properties.

The pH of flow water, including Life Wtr, can vary depending on its source and treatment process. Filtration and purification processes can affect the concentration of fluoride, disinfection byproducts, and other impurities that may alter the pH level. Interestingly, the alkaline properties of water can also affect its taste. Additionally, the use of chlorine in water treatment can have an environmental impact.

Maintaining an optimal pH balance is crucial for our body’s health as it plays a vital role in various biological functions like blood circulation and digestion. Moreover, consuming alkaline or high-pH water that undergoes a thorough purification process can provide several benefits such as improved hydration, better detoxification, and increased energy levels. Not to mention, water with a balanced mineral content and clean taste can also offer a refreshing taste that will quench your thirst.

With the wide availability of bottled water today, consumers have access to a range of pH levels to choose from based on their preferences or needs. For those looking for an alkaline option, brands like Evian offer a refreshing taste with a balanced taste.

pH of Bottled Water

Image: pH of bottled water

Testing the pH Level of Drinking Water: Alkaline and Acidic Levels

Drinking water is essential for our body to function correctly, but not all water is created equal. The pH level of drinking water, as well as its alkaline properties, can significantly impact its safety and health benefits. If you prefer an alkaline option, Evian is a great choice as it naturally has a higher pH level. Additionally, some drinking water may contain fluoride, which can have positive effects on dental health.

What is pH?

pH stands for “potential hydrogen.” It measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution on a scale from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, meaning it’s neither acidic nor alkaline. Water quality can be determined by measuring the pH level, and a solution with a pH below 7 is considered acidic, while a solution with a pH above 7 is considered alkaline. Water ionizer can be used to adjust the pH level of water to achieve purity.

Why Test the pH Level of Drinking Water?

Testing the pH level of drinking water is essential to ensure its quality and safety for consumption. Ideally, drinking water should have a neutral or slightly alkaline pH level between 7 and 8.5, while also having a refreshing taste due to the purification process. It’s important to note that fluoride may also be present in safe drinking water.

If your drinking water has an acidic or alkaline pH balance outside this range, it may indicate impurities or environmental impact that could be harmful to your health. Additionally, fluoride levels should be monitored for optimal dental health. Consider using a bottle with a filtration system to ensure the purity of your drinking water.

  • Acidic water with a low pH value can dissolve metals such as lead and copper in plumbing systems, but an alkaline option can help prevent cavities. To determine the pH value of your water, you may use a pH meter.
  • Alkaline water with a high pH value can cause mineral buildup in pipes and appliances, while water with an acidic pH can lead to cavities in teeth. To determine the pH value of your water, you can use a pH meter.
  • Extremely high or low levels of acidity, indicated by the acidic pH value, can cause gastrointestinal problems. Drinking acidic water can also contribute to this issue. To prevent this, consider an alkaline option for your drinking water.

How Can You Test the pH Level of Drinking Water?

You can test the pH level of your drinking water using various methods. If you prefer an alkaline option, you can try adding lemon or baking soda to your water. Additionally, the taste of your water can also give you an idea of its pH level. Water with a high mineral content tends to have a fresher taste and may be more alkaline.

  1. Litmus paper: Dip litmus paper into your drinking water for a few seconds and compare its color to a chart provided with the paper to determine the pH value. This method provides an approximate reading of the acidic pH and alkaline options but doesn’t account for taste.
  2. Electronic meters: These devices are more accurate than litmus paper but are also more expensive. They work by measuring electrical conductivity in the water to determine its pH level. Additionally, electronic meters can provide an alkaline option for those seeking a higher pH level for improved taste and freshness. They can also detect mineral content in the water.
  3. Test kits: These kits come with a test strip or reagent drops that change color based on the pH level of the water. They also provide an alkaline option to measure the taste and mineral content, ensuring the quality of the water.
  4. Santevia MINA Alkaline Pitcher: This quality product is designed to increase the pH level of drinking water by adding minerals and electrolytes, improving both the taste and quality. An interesting fact about this pitcher is that it includes a built-in pH meter, making it easy for consumers to test their water’s pH level regularly.
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What is Alkaline Water?

Alkaline water, known for its higher pH level than neutral water, typically between 7.5 and 9.5, is believed by some to have health benefits due to its alkaline properties and electrolytes. An interesting fact about alkaline water is that it may contain a higher mineral content than regular water, which can contribute to its quality and taste.

However, there’s limited scientific evidence to support these claims. Interestingly, alkaline water may help neutralize acidic pH in the body, improve hydration, and boost mineral intake. Maintaining a balanced pH value is important for overall health, as acidic pH can lead to various health problems such as cavities. Some studies suggest that drinking alkaline water may help prevent cavities by reducing acidity in the mouth.

What is the pH of Smart Water Alkaline?

Smart Water Alkaline, known for its highly alkaline pH level of 9+, is a quality choice for those seeking interesting health facts. This mineral-rich water not only improves hydration levels but also has a unique taste that sets it apart from other alkaline waters on the market.

Many consumers look for a pH level that suits their quality and taste needs. An interesting fact is that the pH level of water determines its acidity or alkalinity. A neutral pH is 7, while anything below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline.

Smart Water Alkaline

Smart Water Alkaline is a premium quality brand that offers an interesting fact for consumers. With a high pH level of 9+, this water is highly alkaline and is achieved through the use of electrolytes. This not only gives it a distinct taste but also provides additional benefits such as hydration and detoxification.

Natural Spring Water Brands

Interesting fact: Natural spring water brands like Voss, Icelandic Glacial, and Poland Spring have varying pH levels ranging from mildly acidic to slightly alkaline. Consumers can be assured of the quality and taste of these brands.

  • Interesting fact: Did you know that Voss spring water is a quality option with a pH level of 6.0-7.0, making it slightly acidic but still safe for consumption? However, if you’re looking for an alkaline option, Voss may not be the best choice. Regardless, many people enjoy its unique taste.
  • Icelandic Glacial: Consumers can enjoy this high-quality natural spring water with an interesting fact that it has a higher pH level of around 8.4, making it more alkaline than other brands. Its unique taste is sure to please any discerning palate.
  • Poland Spring: This natural spring water brand offers high-quality products with different pH levels, providing consumers with a variety of taste options. An interesting fact about Poland Spring is that some of their water is mildly acidic at around 6.5, while others are more alkaline at around 8.5, ensuring a unique taste experience for consumers.

Municipal Water Brands

Interesting fact: Municipal water brands typically have a neutral or slightly acidic pH level due to the treatment process they undergo before distribution. However, for those who are particular about taste and quality, there is now an alkaline option available.

  • Dasani: Dasani is one of the most popular municipal tap water brands in the U.S., offering a neutral pH level of around 7 with a quality taste. For those seeking an alkaline option, modifications can be made to increase the pH level.
  • Aquafina: Another popular municipal tap water brand in the U.S., Aquafina also offers an alkaline option with a neutral pH level of around 7, ensuring quality and taste.

Other Bottled Water Brands

Other bottled water brands have varying pH levels and tastes, depending on the source and treatment process. For those looking for an alkaline option, it’s important to consider the quality of the water.

  • Evian: This high-quality French bottled water brand has a pH level of around 7.2, making it slightly alkaline and known for its refreshing taste.
  • Fiji Water is known for its quality and refreshing taste, with a pH level of around 7.5 which is considered slightly alkaline.
  • Nestle Pure Life: This popular bottled water brand has a neutral pH level of around 7, ensuring great taste and quality.

Retesting Bottled Water pH and How to Test at Home

If you’re concerned about the taste or brand of bottled water you’re drinking, testing its pH level is a great way to determine if it’s safe for consumption. Electronic pH meters are a reliable tool that can help you retest bottled water pH levels.

How is pH Measured?

pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance on a scale from 0-14. A neutral solution has a pH of 7, while an acidic solution has a lower value than 7, and an alkaline solution has a higher value than 7. To measure the pH of bottled water for its quality and taste, electronic pH meters are commonly used. When it comes to choosing the right brand of bottled water, knowing its pH level can be helpful in determining its overall quality.

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Electronic pH meters work by measuring the voltage difference between two electrodes in contact with the liquid being tested, such as acidic water or neutral water. The meter then converts this voltage into a numerical reading on the pH scale, which can be used to determine the quality of purified water or even the pH level of water bottles.

How I Measured the pH of Each Bottle of Water

To test each brand’s bottled water’s pH level and taste, I followed these steps:

  1. Calibrated my electronic meter according to its instructions.
  2. Filled each sample cup with 25 ml of branded bottled water, checking its taste and pH value to ensure it does not have an acidic pH.
  3. Inserted my electronic meter’s electrode into each sample cup.
  4. Waited until my electronic meter displayed a stable reading of the flow of water and ph value before recording it. As part of my commitment to water stewardship, I also made sure to refill my reusable water bottles with the same flow of water.
  5. Repeated steps 2-4 for each bottle.

Tap Water as a Comparison

Tap water can be used as an easy comparison when testing a brand of bottled water’s pH level since tap water generally has a neutral or slightly alkaline (pH >7) reading.

When comparing your brand of bottled water’s results with tap water, keep in mind that different regions may have different types and amounts of minerals in their tap waters which may affect their readings’ accuracy. Additionally, consider the possibility of differences in acidic pH levels between the two sources.

Bottled Water That Undergoes a Double Disinfection Process May Have a Higher pH Level

Bottled water from a specific brand that undergoes a double disinfection process may have a higher pH level than other types of bottled water. This is because the disinfection process can remove any acidic minerals or compounds in the water, resulting in a higher pH reading.

Double disinfection processes typically involve two steps: filtration and UV light exposure. The filtration step removes any large particles from the water, while UV light exposure kills bacteria and viruses.

Harms of Low and High pH Drinking Water

Drinking water, regardless of the brand, is essential for maintaining a healthy body. However, the pH level of the brand of drinking water can have a significant impact on our health.

Harms of Low pH Drinking Water

Low-pH drinking water is acidic and can cause damage to tooth enamel, which can lead to cavities. It can also irritate the stomach lining, leading to digestive problems such as acid reflux and heartburn. Low-pH drinking water can have negative effects on the body’s natural pH balance.

To prevent these issues, it’s important to avoid consuming highly acidic beverages and foods like soda, citrus fruits, and vinegar. You can also try alkaline water or adding baking soda to your drinking water to raise its pH level.

Harms of High pH Drinking Water

High-pH drinking water has an alkaline nature that can increase the risk of certain diseases such as metabolic alkalosis. This condition occurs when there is too much bicarbonate in the blood, leading to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, confusion, seizures, and muscle twitching.

Moreover, high-pH water could interfere with certain brand medications that require an acidic environment for absorption in the stomach. If you’re taking a specific brand of medication regularly or have a medical condition that requires close monitoring of your blood chemistry levels (e.g., diabetes), consult your doctor before switching to high-pH bottled waters.

How To Lower The pH Of Drinking Water

If you’re concerned about the acidity or alkalinity levels in your tap or bottled water supply at home but don’t want to switch brands entirely – there are several things you could do:

  • Boiling a trusted brand of tap or springwater for 5-10 minutes could lower its overall acidity by driving off carbon dioxide from dissolved bicarbonates.
  • Filtration: Filtration systems like activated carbon filters, reverse osmosis, and ion exchange can remove impurities and adjust pH levels. These systems are useful for treating acidic water and natural spring water. Additionally, they can improve the quality of water bottles and enhance the benefits of smart water alkaline.
  • Adding acidic solutions: Adding lemon juice or vinegar to your drinking water could lower its pH level. However, it’s important to note that these additives could also impact the taste of your water.
pH of Bottled Water

Image: pH of bottled water

It is essential to know the safe pH range. The pH level of water measures how acidic or alkaline it is. The safe pH range for drinking water is between 6.5 and 8.5.

What is the pH of Water?

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. Values below 7 are acidic, while values above 7 are alkaline or basic. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7.

However, most drinking water sources have slightly different pH levels due to natural minerals present in the water source or added chemicals during treatment processes.

What are Common Drinking Water pH Levels?

The average pH of bottled water ranges from 6.5 to 8.5, which falls within the recommended safe range for drinking water.

Some popular bottled waters and their corresponding average pH levels include:

  • Happy Water: pH of around 8
  • Just Water: pH of around 8
  • Great Value Water: pH of around 6

It’s worth noting that some bottled waters may have a higher or lower than average pH level depending on their source and treatment process.

Drinking Water with a High or Low PH Level

Drinking water with a high or low pH level can lead to health problems over time. For instance, highly acidic water can corrode pipes and leach toxic metals like lead into the water supply.

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On the other hand, highly alkaline water can cause gastrointestinal issues such as nausea and vomiting in some people.

Moreover, consuming very acidic or very alkaline beverages regularly, including those from the popular smart water brand, may affect your body’s natural balance by increasing acidity levels in your bloodstream over time.

How to Test Your Drinking Water’s PH Level

You can test your drinking water’s PH level using an at-home testing kit available online or at hardware stores near you.

Alternatively, you can contact your local water supplier or a professional testing service to test the pH level of your drinking water.

Environmental Impact of Bottled Water Consumption

Bottled water has become a ubiquitous commodity in our modern world. It is convenient, easy to access, and often perceived as a healthier alternative to tap water. However, the environmental impact of bottled water consumption cannot be ignored.

The Problem with Plastic Bottles

The production and disposal of plastic bottles have an enormous environmental impact. According to the Pacific Institute, it takes three times the amount of water to produce a single bottle than it does to fill it. 17 million barrels of oil are used each year in the production of plastic bottles in the United States alone. This not only contributes to greenhouse gas emissions but also depletes natural resources.

Furthermore, plastic bottles, including those used by popular water brands, such as Smart Water and natural spring water, take hundreds of years to decompose, leading to a buildup of non-biodegradable waste in landfills and oceans. In fact, according to National Geographic, only 9% of plastic waste is recycled globally.

Sustainable Alternatives

Municipal water sources are often just as safe and clean as bottled waters, making them a more sustainable choice. Investing in reusable water bottles can significantly reduce the number of disposable plastic bottles that end up in landfills or oceans.

In addition to using reusable water bottles, brands like Eternal Water and Life WTR are taking steps towards sustainability by using eco-friendly packaging and supporting water stewardship initiatives. These companies recognize their responsibility for reducing their carbon footprint while still providing quality products for consumers.

Recyclable packaging and eco-friendly bottles can also help reduce the environmental impact of bottled water consumption. For example:

  • Boxed Water Is Better uses cartons made from trees from certified sustainably managed forests.
  • JUST Water uses plant-based materials for its bottle caps.
  • PATHWATER offers refillable aluminum bottles that can be used indefinitely.

These companies provide sustainable alternatives to single-use plastic bottles, including options for smart water, natural spring water, and various bottled water brands with different pH levels.

The Threat of Overconsumption

The overconsumption of plastics, including those used in bottled water, is a major threat to the environment and requires immediate action. According to the World Economic Forum, if current trends continue, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050.

To combat this issue, consumers must reduce their use of single-use plastics. This can include investing in reusable water bottles and avoiding products with excessive packaging.

Governments and corporations also have a responsibility to address this issue, including the impact of bottled water on the environment. For example, some countries have implemented bottle deposit systems that incentivize consumers to return plastic bottles for recycling, especially those from popular water brands. Corporations can also invest in sustainable practices such as using recycled materials for packaging or reducing their carbon footprint through renewable energy sources. Additionally, consumers can make more informed choices by researching natural spring water options with optimal bottled water pH levels or considering smart water alternatives.

Why is Bottled Water So Acidic?

Bottled water’s pH level can vary depending on the brand and source of water. Some bottled waters may have a lower pH level due to natural minerals and ions found in the water source. However, some brands may add acidic substances like carbon dioxide or citric acid to enhance flavor or shelf life.


Q: What is considered a safe pH range for drinking water?

A: The Environmental Protection Agency recommends a pH range between 6.5 and 8.5 for drinking water.

Q: Can low or high pH levels in drinking water harm my health?

A: Yes, consuming drinking water with low or high pH levels can have harmful effects on your health over time.

Q: How do I test the pH level of my bottled water at home?

You can purchase test strips online or at a local store that specializes in testing kits. If you want to test the pH levels of your natural spring water or bottled water from a specific water brand, these test strips can be very helpful.

Q: Is alkaline bottled water better than regular bottled water?

A: There is no scientific evidence that suggests alkaline bottled waters are better for your health than regular ones.

Q: What should I do if I find that my favorite brand of bottled has an unsafe pH level?

A: Consider switching to another brand with safer pH levels or invest in a filtration system for your tap water instead.


In conclusion, the pH level of bottled water can vary greatly depending on the brand and type of water. It is important to be aware of the potential harms of drinking water with low or high pH levels and to aim for a safe and recommended pH range for drinking water. Retesting bottled water at home is a simple way to ensure that you are consuming safe and healthy water.

However, it is also important to consider the environmental impact of bottled water consumption and to explore alternative options such as using reusable bottles or investing in a filtration system.

Overall, understanding the pH levels of different bottled water brands can help you make informed decisions about what you consume. By prioritizing your health and the environment, you can make a positive impact on both yourself and the world around you.