Ph Of Coffee: 9 Factors You Should Know!

What is the pH of Coffee?

The coffee’s pH depends on the coffee bean type, roast level, water used, and brewing method. Broadly, coffee’s pH ranges between 4.5 and 6, suggesting it is acidic in nature. The acidic nature of coffee is due to the presence of chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, citric acid, and acetic acid.

What is the pH of different types of coffee?

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The pH of different types of coffee are mentioned below.

Type of ApplepH Value
Cold Brew Coffee6.5
Instant Coffee4.5 to 5
Decaffeinated Coffee5
Dark Roast Coffee5.5 to 6
Light Roast Coffee4.5 to 5

Why is pH different for different types of coffee?

The pH is different for different types of coffee depending on the coffee bean type, roast level, brewing method, and water used.

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  1. Type of coffee bean: Different varieties of coffee beans have different ranges of acidity, thus, pH levels. For example, Arabica coffee beans’ pH is higher than that of Robusta coffee beans.
  2. Roast level of the coffee: The roast level of coffee also impacts the pH of coffee. For example, the pH of a dark roast is more than that of a lighter roast.
  3. Brewing method used: The brewing method also affects the pH level of coffee. For example, hot brew coffee tends to have a lower pH than cold brew coffee.
  4. Type of water used in brewing: The type of water used in brewing coffee also alters the pH level of coffee. For example, alkaline water results in a higher pH coffee. In contrast, acidic water results in a lower pH coffee.
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Factors affecting the pH of coffee

There are multiple factors that affect the pH of coffee. Some of them are mentioned below:

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  1. Additives: Adding additives like milk, cream, or sugar tends to decrease the pH of coffee.
  2. Age of the Coffee: Over time, the acidity of coffee tends to decrease. Thus its pH value increases.
  3. Water Quality: The water pH can also alter the pH of coffee depending on the type of water used.
  4. Brewing Method: The brewing method used to make coffee can also affect the pH level of coffee. For example, the pH of cold brew coffee is more than that of hot brew coffee.
  5. Roasting Degree: The amount of roasting also affects the pH of coffee. For example, the pH of a light roast coffee bean is less than that of a dark roast coffee bean.
  6. Coffee Bean Variety: The coffee bean type also affects coffee’s pH level. For example, the Robusta coffee bean’s pH is less than Arabica coffee beans.

How can we calculate the pH value of coffee?

We can calculate the pH of coffee by using the following methods: 

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  • pH meter
  • pH test strips

What are the effects of drinking low-pH coffee?

A few effects of drinking low-pH coffee are mentioned below:

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  1. Tooth Decay: Drinking a lot of low-pH coffee can erode the tooth enamel causing dental problems like discolouration, cavities and sensitivity.
  2. Abdominal Issues: Drinking a lot of low-pH coffee can root abdominal issues like heartburn, acid reflux, diarrhoea, bloating or upset stomach.
  3. Dehydration: Coffee is a natural diuretic. Thus, it increases urination leading to dehydration.
  4. Jitters and Anxiety: Coffee is commercialised for its stimulating effects. However, drinking a lot of low-pH coffee may cause negative mood changes, jitters and anxiety.
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How can we increase the pH of coffee?

We can increase the pH of coffee by following the steps given below.

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  1. Adding a pinch of Salt: We can increase the pH of coffee by adding a pinch of salt.
  2. Adding Milk or Cream: We can increase the pH of coffee by adding milk or cream.
  3. Adding Sugar: We can increase the pH of coffee by adding sugar to it.
  4. Using Low-Acid Coffee Beans: We can increase the pH of coffee by using low-acid coffee beans. 

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